Pet Health

Intestinal Parasite Prevention for Pets

By August 7, 2020April 1st, 2021No Comments

A matter that often goes unnoticed until it is too major to ignore, intestinal parasites can cause a host of issues for your pet. Nevertheless, with the help of a high-quality veterinary professional, you can reverse or even eliminate these issues. That said, for residents of the greater Austin area, the following is a closer look at some types of intestinal parasites as well as ways that we at Central Texas Animal Hospital can help you prevent these issues.

Common Intestinal Parasites for Pets

If you are wondering about the most common types of parasites affecting pets, they are as follows:



A serious parasite that most commonly affects cats and dogs, hookworms can be transmitted by the mother during nursing. However, they are most commonly caused by oral ingestion or by actual penetration through the skin or feet. They can cause severe anemia, which can result in side effects up to and including death, especially in younger pets.


Cats, as well as dogs, can be infected by roundworms. These can be acquired by ingesting soil or feces that are contaminated by larvae and eggs, eating infected rodents, insects, birds, etc. Kittens and puppies are often infected by their mother while in utero.


These are small, thin worms that live in the cecum and the large intestines of dogs. Dogs often get these by eating contaminated feces and soul. Whipworms can cause issues such as weight loss, bloody stools, diarrhea, and poor health overall.


Coccidia are single-celled organisms that can infect the intestines of cats and dogs. Your pet can become infected by eating contaminated feces and dirt. This can cause bloody, watery diarrhea, and can even lead to death.

Prevention Methods

Given that all of these intestinal parasites can cause severe side effects, prevention is the best way to keep your pet healthy. One way to go about doing this is to keep your yard as clean as possible at all times. This could involve using things to treat your soil, regularly washing down certain areas, removing any poop from the yard, and more. Additionally, given that some parasites can be caused by fleas, routine flea prevention is essential. Also, you need to make sure your pet is seen regularly by a veterinary professional for prevention care.

Contact Us Today

If you are a resident of the greater Austin area seeking treatment or prevention of intestinal parasites for your pet, Central Texas Animal Hospital is here to provide you with the best prevention methods and treatments. Contact us today at 512-215-BARK to schedule a preventative care appointment with our veterinarians.